Welcome back to another SecuringNinja tutorial. No cyber security researcher should be with out a database to practice their skills on, or just to store tons of relational data. Today we will show you how to install MySQL on a Mac. Having a local database is perfect for running websites locally, or for providing persistent storage for another application.
In this article we cover how to:
Download MySQL Community Server 5.5 DMG Archive.; Double-click the DMG Archive, and then double-click the.pkg file that starts with mysql-5.5.Follow the instructions to install the MySQL server.; Double-click the MySQLStartupItem.pkg file, and follow the instructions in the setup wizard. The wizard installs the MySQL server as an auto-startup item. The first step is to download MySQL server. Go to the MySQL web site and select the version that matches your version of Mac OS. Select the DMG archive version. After the DMG file finishes downloading click on it to open. Download MySQL Server for Mac from the MySQL Community site. Mount the DMG and double click the.pkg file to begin the installation. Mount the DMG and double click the package to begin the installation Step through the installer installer and make a note of your temporary root password. MySQL Cluster CGE. MySQL Cluster is a real-time open source transactional database designed for fast, always-on access to data under high throughput conditions. MySQL Cluster; MySQL Cluster Manager; Plus, everything in MySQL Enterprise Edition; Learn More » Customer Download » (Select Patches & Updates Tab, Product Search) Trial Download ».
MySQL is very straight forward to install on a Mac. If you do not already have the Homebrew package manager for Mac you’ll need to install that first. If you would rather not install Homebrew you can also install MySQL using the DMG file available on the MySQL site.
Why Every Business Should Use MySQL Enterprise Edition (2020-02-20) Staying off the Front Page with MySQL Enterprise Edition (2019-08-22) MySQL InnoDB Cluster: New features in 8.0 (2019-07-30). In this post we will learn how to How To Install MySQL on Mac OS X. The same procedure can be used for installing MySQL on Mac OS X. How to add MySQL to $PAT.
Installing Homebrew on Mac
Lets start by opening up Terminal and installing Homebrew. Homebrew is a macOS package manager that makes installing packages on macOS a breeze.
To install Homebrew on Mac run the following command:
In this tutorial, I am going to explain how to download and install MySQL on Mac OS X in a few easy steps. Download MySQL for OS X; Unpack downloaded.dmg file. In order to connect to MySQL using command line client, do the following from OSX terminal: $ /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -uroot.
Once the install is complete go ahead and run an update to test that everything is working correctly.
With Homebrew installed it is a simple matter to install MySQL.
Installing MySQL on Mac with Brew
Installing MySQL with Brew is a breeze. All it takes is:
This will install the most recent version of the package available on Brew. As of this writing it is MySQL version 8.0. To install a different version simply append the version to the end of the package with an @ symbol. For example, to install MySQL 5.7 use:
If you don’t want to install Homebrew you can also install MySQL with the DMG file available for download as described below.
Installing MySQL with a DMG file
You can also install MySQL via the DMG file on the MySQL downloads page. This will add a MySQL preference pane in System Preferences as well. You can start and stop your server from here too.
First begin by downloading and mounting the DMG file available from the MySQL Community downloads page. Make sure you grab the appropriate DMG for your OS version.
Mount the DMG and double click the .pkg file to begin the installation.
Step through the installer installer and make a note of your temporary root password. You will need this for the initial connection to the server. DO NOT LOSE IT!
The server will require that you update your password on the first login. MySQL server is now installed. To start the server use launchctl or the MySQL preference pane in System Preferences. The server uses very few resources while running in the background so there really is no need to start and stop the server each time.
To start the server via launchctl:
This instructs MySQL to start when the system boots up.
You can also start and stop MySQL through the System Preferences pane. Open System Preferences and select MySQL:
And finally, start or stop the server as needed.
From this preference pane you can also edit the MySQL server configuration, re-initialize the database, and uninstall MySQL server entirely. We cover how to uninstall MySQL on Mac in the next section.
Uninstalling MySQL on Mac
Mysql Mac Install
If you installed MySQL via the DMG file method then uninstalling is extremely straight forward. Navigate to the MySQL preference pane in System Preferences, and click Uninstall. Thats it! MySQL has been uninstalled.
If you however installed MySQL using the Brew method described above, then there are a couple of extra steps.
Uninstalling MySQL on Mac with Brew
The steps below show how to uninstall MySQL installed with Brew. Begin by finding any running MySQL processes and stopping them. Then uninstall MySQL and remove all files.
What to do with your new database
Now that you’ve got a local database up and running you may want to take a look at how a SQL injection attack works. Your new database will be great for practice! If you have any issues getting your database up and running, please reach out in the comments below. We would love to assist you!
This should be really straightforward, but I found myself googling around. I wrote a recent post about how to create a web app with the Laravel PHP framework but connecting to the database was tricky.
First step, find out what version of OS X you are running. Click the apple icon in the top right corner of your screen and click “About This Mac”. I got something like this:
Next step, head over to the MySQL downloads page.
So with my computer I am running 10.11 and we want the .dmg file. Download Mac OS X 10.10 (x86, 64-bit), DMG Archive. Then you get to this lame screen:
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MySQL is free and open source software (FOSS), you do not need to sign up or create an account. Click “No thanks, just start my download”. I let the download go directly to my “Downloads” folder when prompted, though you could place it anywhere. The download will take some time because it is 350mb, go get a coffee. Once the download is complete. Double click the file and a screen like this will open
Double click it and go through the install process.
When I did it I got an alert box:
Add to path. This went in ~/.zshrc because I am using ZSH. If you are using bash for terminal (the default on OS X) this will be the ~/.bashrc file or ~/.bash_profile. This post explains the difference between the two files.
Add the mysql download to your path so that you can use the “mysql” command from the command line.
Then test it out:
Now that we have MySQL installed and accessible from the Terminal, it’s time to connect to the database and start the MySQL server. Let’s log in as root user (root@localhost) and use that funky password that popped up in the alert window after our install. In the above case it’s #fW&tYe?<8?w
Great! Now we can create databases and run SQL queries right from the command line. That’s an awesome start, but there’s no way anyone is going to remember that password, nor is it enjoyable to type in every time we want to run MySQL. The full docs on changing passwords are here. For OSX you can run the command:
The PASSWORD('root')
sets my password to “root”. Easy to remember right? You can set your password to anything you like, such as PASSWORD('myN3wp@Ssw0rd')
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To stop the server in the terminal run control + D
. Congratulations! You’ve installed MySQL on OSX, made it accessible from the command line and updated your password for the root user.
To start setting up a Laravel application and connect to a database using Sequel Pro you can follow my next tutorial:
Downloaded files are saved in the specified folder in a self-extracting format (.exe format).3. To download files, click the file link, select Save, and specify the directory where you want to save the file.The download will start automatically.2. Canon lbp6030w wireless setup download mac.
Thanks for reading!
Update (9/16/17): Expired passwords
When trying to login to MySQL on OSX recently I ran into the following error:
Install Mysql For Mac
There are a lot of StackOverflow threads and articles about this, many require writing SQL commands, though that was difficult for me without access to the terminal. In order to alleiviate this I found this SO answer that saved me:
Update 03/29/18:
- Helpful steps for Install MySQL on macOS Sierra as a gist link.
Update 05/14/19:
- I recently ran into an error when trying to fire up the MySQL shell:
I found the solution in this homebrew issue. Create an empty directory for this path: mkdir /usr/local/etc/my.cnf.d
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